To hold the complexities of the challenges we face - the nuance, the creative tension, the not-knowing…the both/and as opposed to the either/or - that is what these times are calling for. Join me in discovering how we do this together.



Drawing on 15+ years of expertise in conflict transformation, coaching, facilitation, and collaborative communication training, I support clients to navigate complexity, discover empowering solutions, and take meaningful action.


Counseling Sessions

I support individuals in the courageous work of getting to know their inner worlds, building self connection, and loving up on themselves. My work is primarily inspired by Internal Family Systems (IFS), an evidence-based approach to therapy that I’ve seen (and experienced first hand to) support deep healing and profound transformation. I’m really excited to be offering sessions again, and happy to work with individuals or couples.

Mediation & restorative processes

I support people to unlock the transformative power of conflict and to discover what’s possible when we put connection, healing, and “both/and” thinking at the center. I’m offering everything from two-party mediation to large group conflict transformation. I draw on Nonviolent Communication (NVC), restorative circles and restorative justice, ways of council, and other traditions that help us actively listen, speak authentically, acknowledge impacts, and co-create solutions that work for everyone involved.

Coaching, training, & consulting

I work with leaders and teams to build the individual and collective capacity to work in collaborative, participatory, purposeful organizations. This can look like anything from coaching leadership to consulting with teams to hosting trainings on creating a culture of healthy communication and effective collaboration. I draw on a range of modalities, including Convergent Facilitation, NVC, Reinventing Organizations, Coaching for Transformation, and more.